
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:爱神家园


多年來我們意識到,儘管每個國家每天都面臨很多問題,但在上帝的眼中,它們並不平等。當涉及君王的興起和其他人的垮台,我們必須知道上帝心中的優先考慮以在祂神聖的計劃中正確地與祂同工。經文解釋,“凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時“(傳3:1)。 因此很顯然的,上帝的優先重點並非是通用的,乃是與特定時間和季節的明確目標策略性地聯結

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在我們上次的簡報《杜魯門和川普的時代》中,我們分享了一個重要的異夢,該異夢揭示了我們當前的時代與哈里·杜魯門總統關於以色列的時代是有關聯的。 我們知道,這與以色列在她繼承的實際土地的建立有很大關係。因此,這片土地是以色列即將舉行的大選的核心因素。這導致我們得出以下推論和禱告目標的研擬:

1)反對納塔尼亞胡的班尼·甘茨(Benny Gantz)宣布,除非得到國際社會的批准,否則他不會對猶太和撒馬利亞施加主權。當然,歷史告訴我們,以色列不會獲得這一項批准。話雖如此,納塔尼亞胡總理必須在 3月2日的選舉中獲勝,並在政府內部組建一個聯盟,以維持與美國政府在土地方面取得的進展,這土地是猶太和撒馬利亞的30%。


3)選舉後,納塔尼亞胡總理必須組建由各黨派領導人組合的至少61個席次組成的聯盟。這是最困難的部分,他在過去兩次選舉中都失敗了。他心中理想的聯盟將是一個保守的右翼聯盟,包括以下政黨:利庫德(Likud),亞米納(Yamina),沙納(Shana)和聯合妥拉(United Torah)。


當我們的團隊一直在討論和禱告這些事情時,克里斯·伯格隆德(Chris Berglund)在昨晚又做了一個頗有見地的異夢…

在克里斯的異夢中,我們的團隊抵達華盛頓特區的五角大樓,與來自各個軍事部門的軍方領袖會面。他們帶我們到以色列的大使館。門的上方有一個「D.O.D」的縮寫,克里斯知道它代表多個名詞:國防部(Department of Defense),替換部(Department of Displacement)以及對惡魔堅固營壘的宣令(Decreeing Over Demonic Strongholds)。在使館中,我們被邀請來教導和裝備軍事領袖們屬靈爭戰方面的事情。在某一時刻,他們特別詢問我們,要如何“對山發話”以將其挪除。克里斯很清楚,這些山是須被替換的屬靈政府的權勢,以便神的國度得以在以色列領土的自然界的統治下被建立。宣令所需的聲音與這些權勢實際被替換之間也有關聯。


Letter from the Editor

Dear Comrades in Arms,

Before diving into today’s important briefing, I want to thank each of you who responded to Lou’s recent appeal with your prayers and generosity. Paul and I have been deeply touched by your care for us personally in the midst of our ongoing corporate assignments. We are convinced that the prayers of the saints are powerful and effective unto the restoration of physical bodies as well as the shifting of nations. Meanwhile, we received word this week that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also grateful for this company’s prayers. He was encouraged to hear of The Briefing’s 7000+ intercessors who are praying to the Holy One of Israel for His divine purposes to be fulfilled in the upcoming elections. With twelve days left to this historic vote, I urge you to read and weigh the following dream and prayer directives. May God grant us all greater understanding of the times we are in and establish us as watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem.

Cheryl Amabile


For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, And for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet…
It will no longer be said to you, "Forsaken," Nor to your land will it any longer be said, "Desolate"; But you will be called, "My delight is in her," And your land, "Married"; For the LORD delights in you, And to Him your land will be married. Isaiah 62:1,4

Over the years, we have learned that though every nation has many issues of the day, they are not all equal in God’s eyes. When it comes to the raising up of kings and the bringing down of others, we must know the priorities of God’s heart to rightly partner with Him in His divine plan. The scriptures explain, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecc 3:1). Therefore, it is clear that God’s priorities are not generic, but rather they are strategically connected to the express purpose of specific times and seasons.

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our last briefing, TheTimes of Truman and Trump,
shared a significant dream that revealed how our current times are likened to the times of President Harry S. Truman in regards to Israel. We understand that this has much to do with the establishment of Israel in the actual land of her inheritance. The land,
therefore, is a central factor in Israel’s upcoming election. This has led us to the following deductions and prayer objectives:

1) Benny Gantz, who is running against Netanyahu, has made a declaration that he will not apply sovereignty to Judea and Samaria until there is approval from the international community. Of course, history tells us that Israel would not have this approval. With that said, Prime Minister Netanyahu must win the March 2nd election and form a coalition within the government to uphold the progress being made with the U.S. Administration for taking the land, that is 30% of Judea and Samaria.

2) PM Netanyahu needs a strong voter turnout on March 2. With each passing election, the voters are showing up less and less. This is the third election. Prevailing prayer is needed.

3) After the election, PM Netanyahu will have to form a coalition of at least 61 seats made up of various party leaders. This is the most difficult part and he has failed the past two elections. His ideal coalition would be a conservative, right wing coalition that includes the following parties: Likud, Yamina, Shana, and United Torah.

4) Netanyahu needs renewed energy, peace and favor each day as we head into the third election on March 2nd and then continued success as he begins the process to form a coalition.

As our team has been discussing and praying into these matters, Chris Berglund had another insightful dream last night...

In Chris’ dream our team arrived at the Pentagon in D.C. to meet with military leaders from various branches of the military. They brought us to the Israeli Embassy. Above the door were the initials, D.O.D. which Chris knew stood for multiple terms: Department of Defense, Department of Displacement and Decreeing Over Demonic Strongholds. At the embassy we were being invited to teach and equip the military leaders in spiritual warfare. At one point they specifically asked us how to “speak to the mountains” to have them removed. It was clear to Chris that the mountains were spiritual governmental powers that needed to be displaced so God’s kingdom could be established in the natural governance of Israel’s territory. There was also a connection being made between the voice needed to decree and the actual displacement of these powers which would then take place.

This dream strongly confirms to us that we are still in the midst of this crucial assignment. It also emphasizes the spiritual dimension of this battle which is against powers and principalities that will ultimately impact the natural realm. So, with twelve days left before the elections (12 being the number of government), let us govern in the heavenly realms over the coming shift in Israel’s government. In doing so, let’s “speak to the mountains” and decree the removal of every hindrance that stands in the way of God’s jealous love for Israel and the land of their inheritance.