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最近的一次梦里,主对我说: “在这新的季节,我的公义要前所未有的明证、彰显在教会里。


在地上和一些信徒的生命里,有极大的不公,但在这新的季节,主要将其推翻。我听见主的声音: “我将击倒不公正的巨人。

那些在地上和信徒生命中施行侵害的不公巨人,如今更加歇斯底里的叫嚣,这是因为神公义的法槌正迅速落下。 主告诉我,圣灵的这次运动要将神的公义空前的明证、彰显出来,同时极大的加速会伴随发生。


我听到: “困扰一生之久的不公,会顷刻被推翻。

 “我的公义将破晓而出,明证全地。 ”——听到主的这句话,我深深被震动,地上和信徒生命中极大的不公,将在一日之内顷刻被推翻。主倾覆不公的大能明证,将重振教会对天父的敬畏,让全地在满有权能、大而可畏的主面前战栗。主会以大能的方式让世人明白,他是那坐在至高之处的真神,他的名高过天上地下一切的名。他是大能的得胜者。


“那坐在天上的必讥笑,主必嗤笑他们。 ”(诗篇2:4 圣洁和合本2010)


主告诉我,许多基督的肢体,一直以来在应对从弟兄姊妹而来的不公正待遇。主让我看见,他将这些肢体怀抱心口,带他们更深明白路加福音6:28-29的真理: “要祝福诅咒你们的人! 要为凌辱你们的人祷告! 有人打你的脸,连另一边也由他打。 有人拿你的外衣,连内衣也由他拿去。 ”


 “他是磐石,他的作为完全,他一切所行的都公平; 他是信实无伪的 神,又公义,又正直。 (申命记32:4 圣经和合本2010)

主大笑着宣告: “仇敌以为他能拦阻你,将你的生命窃取、让你伏在不公之下,但我要带你进入前所未见的丰收之地。 我如今带着大能行走你们中间,将你生命中的不公正大大推翻。 我以我的公义驱散辖制你的不公,赐你十倍的补偿,给你加倍的喜乐! 我在你们中间建立我的政权,如今你要挣脱不公的锁链,重获自由,你要行进在我为你预备的一切恩典之中,前所未有的享尽喜乐。 ” 










接着,异象转换,耶稣转为犹大狮子的形象,他张开口大声咆哮。 当贴近主心意、领受天书内容的众百姓听见主的吼声,他们也开始咆哮。 咆哮声被同步释放到地上,当我仔细听,我听见咆哮声是在宣告: “我正改变历史! ! ! ! ! ! ”




许多人被争战夺取了与主亲近的时间,无暇见证圣灵推翻不公。 但如今一切都要改变。

当下的紧要性被大声强调着。神的百姓必须贴近主心意,倾听他的话语,对他的呼召忠心不渝,因为他正邀请你和我与他同工,一同见证个人生命及全地的不公被推翻, 在这新季节,当下的局势是历史要被改变,你要成为其中一员。



Numerous times in the last few weeks I have been having dreams and encounters regarding the justice of the Lord.

The most recent dream I heard the Lord saying “There is an unprecedented demonstration and manifestation of My justice upon the Church in this new era”

We have moved into the era where we shall see the greatest demonstrations of the justice of the Lord being made manifest in the earth like we have never seen before. In my most recent dream the Lord continued to speak about to the gavel to come to bring down injustice and to overturn.

Some of the greatest injustices’ that have happened in the lives of believers and in the earth are going to be overturned in this new era. I heard the words “I am bringing down the GIANT OF INJUSTICE”

These giants of injustice in the lives of believers and in the earth have been making more noise than ever before and that is because the gavel of the Lord is coming down swiftly. The Lord showed me that this move of His Spirit bringing forth an unprecedented demonstration and manifestation of His justice is going with great acceleration.

The Lord will not just be dealing with ‘one area’ of injustice, the Lord showed me the domino effect of injustice that has taken place in the lives of believers and in the earth, the Lord is now about to demonstrate His power on a scale we have never seen before where there will be an accelerated demonstration of the JUSTICE of the Lord overturning the injustices all at once.

I heard the words “Lifelong injustices will be SUDDENLY overturned”

“There will be DAYBREAK DEMONSTRATIONS of My justice” – when the Lord spoke these words the sense surrounded me so strongly of MAJOR injustices in the lives of believers and in the earth being SUDDENLY overturned in a day. These major demonstrations of His power to overturn major injustices is going to restore the fear of God in the church and cause the earth to tremble at the Majesty and power of God. The Lord is going to demonstrate in powerful ways that He is the One who sits on high and He is the name above all names. He is the Mighty Victor.


“The One who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.” (Psalm 2:4)

There is going to be mighty demonstrations of the justice and dealings of the Lord against those who stand against the Lord and breed injustice. There will be a mighty demonstration of His power and His justice that will usher in the greatest demonstration of the fear of God that has ever been seen. The Lord is going to demonstrate His power that no one stands against the Lord Almighty. He is the God of life, the God of justice, the God of hope, the God of freedom and He is the God who is the defender.

The Lord showed me that there are MANY in the body of Christ who have been dealing with great injustice that has been caused to them from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. The Lord showed me how He has been drawing these ones close to His heart and leading them deeper into Luke 6:28 “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you, to the one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak, do not withhold tunic either.” But many have been in the spirit living under and being affected by the “injustice” and the Lord now coming in as the Mighty Defender to deliver His people from these affects.

“The Lord is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all His ways, your God is faithful and true; he does what is right and fair” (Deuteronomy 32:4 – GNT)

The Lord is coming and standing in the injustice that was caused and laughing at the injustice. As the Lord laughed over the injustice, His laugh was a laugh of victory. I could feel the Lord’s compassion and love for what His people had walked through in the injustice and in the pain, but at the same time His laugh was SO LOUD that it filled me with joy. His laugh declared “The enemy thought he could stop you and steal from you in this injustice but I am bringing you into a land of harvest like you have never known. I am moving powerfully in your midst now to bring forth the greatest overturning of injustice in your life. I am releasing My justice over the injustice that was caused to you and I am bringing forth a TENFOLD RESTORATION and a DOUBLE PORTION of JOY! I am establishing My government in your midst and you will now be set free from the shackles of this injustice and you will RUN into all I have for you and know joy like you have never seen before.”

His voice continued to surround me:

“I am turning the page on injustice”

I then saw a very large book in heaven and the page is being turned and on the new page was the gavel of the Lord and the strategies of the Lord to bring forth His justice upon the earth.


In this vision I saw Jesus standing over this book and He spoke:

“Come and see”

I watched as many in the body of Christ heard His invitation and began to position themselves in that place of intimacy with Him to hear and see the divine strategies that He is implementing in their lives and in the earth to see the injustices overturned.

The sense surrounded me that not only was the Lord about to demonstrate His power in an unprecedented way in the lives of believers and in the earth but there was also an invitation upon the Church right now to position themselves close to His heart to receive the divine intel of heaven in specific strategies to pray, to decree, to implement, to build that will partner with Him to see these injustices overturned.

It was the place of the people of God taking their place in governing like never before. It was the place of the people of God being awoken to their authority.

The vision then shifted and Jesus turned to the Lion of Judah and He opened His mouth and He began to roar. As He roared and those positioned close to His heart and in the place of receiving what was written in this book in heaven, they began to ROAR. There was a SYNCHRONISED ROAR that was being released into the earth and as I listened closely I heard the sound in the ROAR was “I AM CHANGING HISTORY!!!!!!!”

This declaration was coming from the mouth of God that He was changing history in the lives of His people and in the earth. What has been will no longer be. The injustices will no longer remain. But then what struck me was the roar of “I AM CHANGING HISTORY” was flowing as a declaration from the people of God too.

In the partnering with Him in how He is changing history in the lives of believers and in the earth, the people of God were being positioned in Him to OVERTURN and to CHANGE AND SHAPE HISTORY like never before.

That is what is at stake! That is what is happening! God is OVERTURNING and He is CHANGING and SHAPING HISTORY and bringing down these injustices that have raised themselves up against the plans of God in the earth.

The battle for many has been over them taking their place with the Lord to see these injustices overturned by the power of the Spirit. This is where everything changes.

The urgency of the hour is loud. It is critical that we as God’s people are living close to His heart and listening to His voice and stewarding well that which He is asking of us because where He invites you and I to partner with Him to see these injustices personally and in the earth, overturned, is the place in this new era where HISTORY CHANGES and you get to be part of it.




【先知性信息】2020年是预备的一年! 为什么要····


【先知性信息】末日恩膏 & 如何领受末日恩膏!












【先知性信息】Thomas Brooks:假师傅的七个特征!



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